Use the product calculator below, and choose the most suitable product for You!

Use the product calculator below, and choose the most suitable product for You!

Already a customer or want to switch from another merchant? Fill in the contract application online – quick and easy!

Contract signing


Natural gas products for your household

How to choose the right product? Watch the video

Since the opening of the natural gas market for households, the range of products has become more diverse, which means there is more choice. But is the cheapest offer always the best?

We believe that product offers should be simple, understandable and transparent.

Please accept marketing cookies to view the video.

UNIVERSĀLAIS pakalpojums

Suitable for both cooking and heating

  • Guaranteed, fixed natural gas price for 6 months
  • No early termination fee
  • Open-ended contract
  • Settlement according to monthly invoice


Suitable for both cooking and heating

  • Guaranteed, fixed natural gas price for 12 months
  • With termination fee
  • Contract for a fixed term
  • Settlement according to monthly invoice


Suitable for both cooking and heating

  • The price of natural gas may be revised by informing the customer 30 days in advance
  • No early termination fee
  • Open-ended contract
  • Settlement according to monthly invoice
  • Invoice documents are only available via e-mail/customer portal (they are not sent by post)

The fastest and most convenient way to enter into a contract is to do it electronically. We will send the contract within 5 working days (by filling in the Application online) to the e-mail address provided by you.


If you did not find the most suitable solution for you, contact our customer consultant +371 67 869 866


Useful links