Receive a monthly bill based on your actual consumption or consumption calculated by AS “Gaso”. The main advantage is clear payments, you will know how much you have to pay every month.

Payment must be made by the 20th date of the following month.


Receive your invoice by email and make payments quickly and easily!

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  • You should report meter readings monthly from the 27th of the current month to the 1st working day of the following month. Submission of meter readings
  • We will send a bill by the 10th - 15th of the following month via e-mail and on the customer portal. It is also possible to receive an invoice by post, but please note that you will receive it later.
  • Make yor payment by the 20thof the following month.


You can pay for the natural gas you have consumed in the portal by making cash or non-cash payments at the outlets or via your internet bank.

Important! For the purpose of payment, please indicate the exact subscriber or invoice number.

In the customer portal

-in the customer portal, you can always access up-to-date information on the payment amount

-the payment history will be saved on the portal

-also information about overpayment or unpaid amount and payment documents

make a payment

On our website

- indicating the subscriber or contract number

- payment can only be made for an address, that has an active natural gas trade agreement

- if the agreement has been terminated and you have to pay the final invoice, we invite you to do so on the customer portal or using another payment option.

make a payment

In the internet bank

-to the current account of AS “Latvijas Gāze”

-when making payments, specify the subscriber number in the payment purpose

-if you make a payment for several items, please indicate the number of the subscriber of each item and the amount of the payment.

bank accounts

In the stores

- 5 different retail chains across Latvia and Latvijas Pasts offices

- payment is quick and easy – just scan the barcode available on the receipt. Payments can be made in cash or by bank card

- please note that the commission will be applied according to the price list at the sales point.

Latvijas Pasts

Understand your invoice

The invoice you receive each month contains a lot of important information and it is important for us that you can easily understand the information on the invoice and get a quick overview of each section.

An informative explanation of your invoice:

Understand your invoiceUnderstand your invoice

Got a question about payments?


How prices are determined

The payment for natural gas consists of five components – the price of natural gas, transmission service fee, the distribution operator services, as well as excise and value added tax regulated by the state. Natural gas prices are set by the free market, i.e., prices fluctuate depending on the global situation, as they are linked to the European gas exchange indices.

The price of natural gas will be the only component that will differ between traders.

Total amount of payment is equal the sum of the following components:

1. Natural gasThe price of gas traded together with the cost of storage and transmission capacity system services.

Depends on the price of natural gas on the exchange.

2. Transmission – starting point

The fee for transporting natural gas in main pipelines. Determined by AS "Conexus Baltic Grid"
3. Distribution – fixed feeThe fee for distribution system maintenance (reconstruction and maintenance of pipelines, distribution facilities, emergency service work). The tariff of the fixed part depends on the permitted maximum load. Determined by AS "Gaso"
4. Distribution – variable feeThe fee for the transportation of natural gas in distribution pipelines. The tariff of the variable part depends on the consumption group. Determined by AS "Gaso"
5. Excise taxDetermined and regulated by the State. Excise tax 
6. VAT 21%The total payment for natural gas is charged with VAT of 21%. Determined and regulated by the State. State determined and regulated tariffs. 
State determined and regulated tariffs
Transmission – starting point
AS "Conexus Baltic Grid"
0.0026488 EUR/kWh
Distribution – fixed fee 
AS "Gaso"
The fixed part depending on the permitted load:
Permitted load, m3/hDistribution - fixed payment (without VAT), EUR/month
Distribution - fixed payment (with VAT), EUR/month
Until 64.625.59
6,1 - 1012.3114.90
10,1 - 1619.2923.34
16,1 - 2528.9034.97
25,1 - 4040.1848.62

The fixed payment will be charged on a monthly basis, regardless of absence or presence of actual consumption.
The permitted maximum load value is displayed on each meter (Qmax).

Distribution – variable fee AS "Gaso"The tariff of the variable part depends on the consumption group:
0 - 2635 kWh
(0 - 250 m³)
2635.1 - 263450 kWh
(250.01 - 25000 m³)
Excise tax

Excise rates

0.00380 EUR/kWh
VAT 21% 
Value Added Tax rates
The total payment for natural gas is charged with VAT of 21%.

Historical tariffs


Receiving the invoice via email

You will receive a monthly invoice for the natural gas consumed to the e-mail address you provide. The invoice will also be available on the customer portal.

Free of charge

Receiving the invoice via mail

You will receive a monthly invoice for the natural gas consumed to the address you provide.

from 1 May 2023 - EUR 2.00

Receiving an invitation to report meter readings via e-mailYou will receive an invitation to report the meter reading of the natural gas to the e-mail address you provided.Free of charge

Receiving a Debt Processing Letter by Email

Receiving a reminder email for the outstanding payment amount.

Free of charge

Receiving a Debt Processing Letter (reminder, warning) by mail.

Receiving a Reminder or Warning Letter for the outstanding payment amount by mail.

from 1 May 2023 - EUR 2.00 

Cost per letter incl. VAT 21%