Fixed part of the tariffs
Most of the costs of Gaso (reconstruction and maintenance of gas pipelines and distribution facilities, emergency services, salaries of technicians, etc.) are fixed. The fixed payment is due each month, regardless of whether there has been any consumption. The indication of the permitted load is displayed on the meter (Qmax).
Permitted load, m3/h | Distribution – fixed payment including VAT 21% until 31.12.2023 | Distribution – fixed payment including VAT 21% from 01.01.2024 |
Up to 6 | 3.99 EUR/month | 5.59 EUR/month |
6,1-10 | 10.99 EUR/month | 14.90 EUR/month |
10,1-16 | 17.56 EUR/month | 23.34 EUR/month |
16,1-25 | 26.79 EUR/month | 34.97 EUR/month |
25,1-40 | 39.81 EUR/month | 48.62 EUR/month |
For some users with seasonal natural gas consumption, the variable part of the tariff will increase, while for others it will decrease.
Natural gas consumption per year | Distribution – variable part EUR/kWh (excluding VAT) until 31.12.2023 | Distribution – variable part EUR/kWh (excluding VAT) until 01.01.2024 |
Up to 2 635 kWh | 0.0229503 | 0.0280907 |
From 2 635,1 to 263 450 kWh | 0.0089199 | 0.0121219 |
From 263 450,1 to 1 327 788 kWh | 0.085700 | 0.092978 |
From 1 327 788,1 to 13 277 880 kWh | 0.058542 | 0.061972 |
From 13 277 880,1 to 132 778 800 kWh | 0.039134 | 0.040262 |
From 132 778 800,1 to 210 760 000 kWh | 0.014665 | -* |
From 132 778 800,1 to 1 353 800 000 kWh | 0.019771 | 0.020085 |
Over 1 353 800 000 kWh | 0.04006 | 0.04013 |
* Gaso has excluded specialised tariff user groups with natural gas consumption from 13 277 880.1 to over 1 353 800 000 kWh as there are no such user groups.
The variable part of the tariff for users with seasonal consumption of natural gas.
For users who consume (per year) | Distribution tariff until 31.12.2023 (EUR/MWh, excluding VAT) | Distribution tariff from 01.01.2024 (EUR/MWh, excluding VAT) |
from 263 450.1 to 1 327 788 kWh | 15.9742 | 14.5564 |
from 1 327 788.1 to 13 277 880 kWh | 7.0386 | 13.5645 |
from 13 277 880.1 to 132 778 800 kWh | 5.4977 | 8.6139 |
The tariffs of GASO for 2024 have been calculated taking into account objective circumstances – the number of natural gas users, the decrease in natural gas consumption and unforeseen costs due to the increase in natural gas prices.
The services of the distribution operator Gaso represent only a part of the total payment for natural gas – the price of natural gas, which is affected by fluctuations in the price of the resource on world markets; transmission charges; distribution operator services; and excise and value-added taxes, which are regulated by the state. Natural gas price is set by the free market, and it fluctuates depending on the global situation, as it is linked to the European gas exchange indices.
More information on tariffs is available on the Public Utilities Commission website