2021 was unexpectedly challenging and dynamic for the natural gas market. Several global conditions caused a sharp price jump because of which the price of natural gas was almost 6 times higher at the end of 2021 than at the beginning of the year. This has had a significant impact on both natural gas users and natural gas traders.
On 9 November 2021, the 13th Baltic Gas Market Forum, where participants talked about regional infrastructure development projects such as GIPL and ELLI, and shared information regarding the latest developments in the Baltic and Finnish natural gas markets.
On 29 September 2021, Latvijas Gāze participated in the conference ‘HEAT SUPPLY 2021: Purposeful Achievement of Climate Objectives in Latvian Towns’ (orig. – SILTUMAPGĀDE 2021: mērķtiecīgai klimata mērķu sasniegšanai Latvijas pilsētās) organised by Dienas Bizness, in which the global conditions affecting the natural gas market and price changes both globally and locally were discussed.
At the Baltic Gas Market Forum, happening within the framework of the Baltic Energy Forum on June 2 of this year, the participants of the regional gas market discussed the current issues and challenges of the natural gas market.