Important about bills in January 2024

At the end of the calendar year, Gaso (distribution system operator) recalculates the tariffs according to the actual annual consumption of the user. If the volume of natural gas consumed during the year is higher or lower than the previously determined tariff, the recalculation is made for the entire previous year.

The distribution service is provided by Gaso. The costs consist of the reconstruction and maintenance of gas pipelines and distribution facilities from the point of delivery to the premises of the customer and emergency services. This means that the total payment for natural gas includes the distribution service charge.

For those customers whose natural gas consumption during the year was higher or lower than the previously set tariff, 2 bills will be issued in January 2024 – one monthly bill for the natural gas consumed in December and the other for the recalculation of the distribution system service tariff for 2023 by the distribution system operator Gaso.

The bill section “Debt/overpayment as of 31.12.2023” shows the amount of the December 2023 bill and the “Amount due”, the total amount of both bills for which payment is due or an overpayment has accrued.

According to paragraph 91 of the Cabinet Regulation No. 78 of 7 February 2017 Regulations Regarding the Trade and Use of Natural Gas, the distribution system operator is responsible for the correct application of tariffs in the gasified object. Therefore, the recalculation is carried out on the basis of the delegation provided for in the regulation, issued by the joint stock company Gaso on 20 April 2023, pursuant to paragraphs 29 and 30 of the Procedure for Application of Tariffs for Distribution System Services.

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Previous news

11.01.2024. | tariffs | for companies
Changes to the tariffs of the distribution system operator AS Gaso from 1 January 2024.

At the 19 December 2023 meeting of the Council of the Public Utilities Commission, new tariffs for natural gas distribution system services for the tariff period from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024 were approved. The tariffs will enter into force on 1 January 2024 and will be visible in the bills received in February 2024 for natural gas consumed in January. The fixed payment and the variable part, depending on the consumption of natural gas, of the new distribution operator Gaso, will be shown in the bill details.

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10.01.2024. | tariffs | for households
Important information for bills in January 2024

After the end of the calendar year, the distribution system operator Gaso recalculates the tariffs for the previous year.

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10.01.2024. | tariffs | for households
New distribution system service tariffs of the natural gas distribution system operator AS Gaso have entered into force as of 1 January 2024

At the 19 December 2023 meeting of the Council of the Public Utilities Commission, changes to the tariffs of Gaso for the tariff period from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024 were approved. The new tariffs for the distribution system service will be visible in the bills in February 2024 for natural gas consumed in January.

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