NEW! In June 2024, we are integrating Klix to make paying invoices even easier and faster for our customers.
After the end of the calendar year, the distribution system operator Gaso recalculates the tariffs for the previous year.
At the 19 December 2023 meeting of the Council of the Public Utilities Commission, changes to the tariffs of Gaso for the tariff period from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024 were approved. The new tariffs for the distribution system service will be visible in the bills in February 2024 for natural gas consumed in January.
Customer question: the calorific value of natural gas is indicated on the natural gas invoice. What does it mean and why does it vary from month to month?
As of 1 May this year, the natural gas market in Latvia is fully open, giving customers broader choice and more flexibility when choosing the right natural gas product and supplier.
Going on holiday is very exciting! When everything has been booked and paid for, the bags are packed, and it is time to head to the airport, it is comforting to know that you have done everything to protect your home while you are away.