Latvijas Gāze is ranked 20th in the Top 101 of Latvia’s Most Valuable Enterprises, jointly developed by Prudentia, the leading Baltic corporate finance company, and Nasdaq Riga, the only regulated stock exchange in Latvia, and this year it is recognised as the second most valuable company in the energy sector in Latvia.
On 30 November of this year, the 15th Baltic Natural Gas Market Forum was held, which this year was organised by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC). These traditional regional meetings bring together energy regulators, market participants and policy makers from the Baltics, Finland, Sweden and Poland.
Compensations will be applied for the period from July 1, 2022 to April 30, 2023. Households do not need to apply for state aid; the reduced fee will be included in the billing documents automatically in accordance with the amount determined by the state.
In order to reduce the impact of increase in the price of energy resources, the government has decided to compensate the increase in the price of natural gas not only for residents, but also for consumers in buildings where the contract with the natural gas trader is held by the building manager or another legal entity. The state aid can be received by the owner, manager, project developer of multi-apartment residential buildings, terraced houses, where natural gas is used by households within the framework of mutual contractual obligations.
The 14th Baltic Gas Market Forum took place in Tallinn on 25 May this year, where participants reported on the latest developments in the Baltic and Finnish gas markets, talked about infrastructure development projects and shared information on the latest developments in the Baltic and Finnish natural gas markets.
The conference, organised by Dienas Bizness on 11 May this year, brought together industry companies, experts and representatives of institutions to discuss the development of the energy sector in the coming years that should contribute to Latvia's energy security and independence.